How I taught my 2 year old letters in less than 5 minutes a day!
Mar 26, 2024How I taught my 2 year old daughter all her letters in less than 5 minutes a day?
I promise this isn't a flex, or me bragging about my kid because I am convinced that anyone can help their child gain these important early literacy skills at home, when taught how!
So here's my secret...
Games!! Yep just silly, fun games!
But first, It is very important to make sure your child is developmentally ready to learn letters. My daughter was ready at 2 but every child is different and we want to follow the child's natural development!
To learn how to know if your child is ready to learn letters, check out my FREE Reading Readiness Guide Where I give the signs of readiness and teach you how to prepare your child! Click Here
If your child appears to be developmentally ready and interested then you can start teaching letters!! Here's how!
1: Give an initial lesson of each letter using the Montessori 3 period lesson. With this lesson you teach 3 letters at a time. To learn how to teach letters the Montessori way check out my blog post: Teaching letters the Montessori way
2: Practice the letters your child has been taught by playing fun learning games everyday to increase repetition and retention. Here are some of our favorites:
✨Freeze dance: Take your letter flashcards or sandpaper letters and lay the ones they have learned on the ground. Turn on music and when the music stops, freeze on a letter. take turns telling each other which letter you stopped on.
✨Bean Bag toss: Place your letters on the ground next to each other and take turns throwing a bean bag on the letters from afar. Whichever letter it lands on you say what the letter is.
✨Knock Knock Game: Take 3 letters and place them next to each other face down and pretend they are doors. The child knocks with their fist on the letter. You say "whose there" the child turns the letter around and says what letter it is.
✨Spin the Bottle: Place a few letter in a circle and put a bottle or spindle in the middle. Spin the bottle or spindle and whichever letter it lands on say what it is!
✨Hide and seek: Hide 3-5 letters around the room. The child seeks for them and when they find a letter they bring it to you and you ask "What did you find?"
By using fun games, we encourage repetition which leads to retention while strengthening your child's love for learning and reading.
To learn More about how to teach your child to read at home check out my FREE Montessori Reading Masterclass
Watch Masterclass now: Click Here
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