Introducing Montessori by June's

Floor Bed Guide


How to safely and successfully use a Floor Bed at home!

By a 3rd generation Montessori guide who has used the floor bed with her 2 children!

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This is for you if: 

 You don't know when to start a floor bed.

→ You want to know how to transition to a floor bed.

→ You want to know how to set up a floor bed safely.

→ You want to support your child's development by allowing them more freedom.


Then you are in the right place,

The Floor Bed Guide will give you teach you how to safely and successfully use a floor bed.

Questions That Will be Answered!

 ✓ What is a floor bed? 

Learn about the benefits and disadvantages of a floor bed to determine if a floor bed is right for your family.

✓ When to start?

Learn how to know when your child is ready to use a floor bed.

✓ How to set up a floor bed?

Learn how to choose the right mattress and frame and how to prepare the sleeping area.

✓ How to optimize safety?

Learn about how to align safe sleep recommendation with a floor bed.

✓ How to transition to a floor bed?

Learn how to start on a floor bed from birth, transition from a bassinet, and transition from a crib. 

✓ Frequently Asked Questions

You've got questions I have answers, like how to deal with night time interruptions, rolling out of the bed and room sharing with a floor bed.

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Enroll Now

Normally $35

Your Price $17

One Time Payment

  • 27 page guide delivered to your email
  • Access to a Frequently asked questions workshop

  • Floor bed recommendations and discount codes
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In this course you will get...

1. 27 page PDF Guide:  The guide takes you through all the details of what a floor bed is, how to prepare a floor bed, how to optimize safety and tips for transitioning.
2. Frequently Asked Questions Videos: A series of videos answering the most frequently asked questions I receive about the floor bed. You will get access to these videos in a course format. 
3. Floor Bed Recommendations: I give you mattress, frame, and safety tools recommendations as well as discount codes. 
4. Support: Email or DM me questions about your journey and I will try to guide you!

Burning Questions You Might Be Having, Before You Grab Your Access...


About the Creator


Hi my name is Riley!

I am a 3rd generation Montessori guide along with my grandma and mom. We all have the middle name June, hence my account name Montessori by June!

I am AMI Montessori certified in ages 3-6 years old. I taught at a Montessori Preschool until I had my daughter Hazel. Now I enjoy implementing the Montessori Method at home and sharing our journey with others!

I have used a floor bed with my 2 kids and have learned tips and tricks from my mom who used a floor bed with all 5 of her kids. I am excited to help you achieve your goals!

-Riley June

Enroll Now

Normally $35

Your Price $17

One Time Payment

  • 27 page guide delivered to your email
  • Access to a Frequently asked questions workshop

  • Floor bed recommendations and discount codes
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